Tuesday, January 31, 2017

When Will It All Make Sense? Your Finances & You In The Advent of A "NEW AMERICA"

*Student loans

When is the last time you took inventory of your money? When was the last time you questioned a financial professional who has an interest in your money how your account with them is doing? How often do you check your statements and literally understand what it reflects?

These are just some of the questions we often cover with people when they come to us about their financial needs.  There are many who already have an Advisor, but how many of those who have an Advisor are actually going to them with questions rather than just advice?  In fact, how will a person know what questions to ask if they honestly don't know what questions to ask?

We often will know what bills are due and the fact that we have to make many everyday financial decisions, but do we honestly believe that we are aware enough about our financial lives to control our financial destiny?  These and many other questions are what we look to tackle with every student who sits down with us who WANT TO TAKE CONTROL!  At this late stage in the financial game when our pensions, salaries, tax structures and overall financial lives have been under attack that we cannot waste anymore time trying to figure things out.  We have to include Financial Educators and Coaches to our Money Teams.  People who have the right tools, resources, energy, outlook and most of all HEART to help us cut through the bull and get to the winning side of a seemingly unsolvable problem.  People, people, we have answers, but for many, the answers seem like more work than the lesson is worth learning.  But ask yourself this question: If I Had A Proven Path To Follow That Would Get Me To My Overall Financial Goal/s, Would I Take A Look?

This is an age in which we have to look at our money problems from every angle with the meticulous eye of one who's going to take enough directed action to solve those problems.  Let's face it, alot of companies we either worked for in the past or that we currently work for can no longer afford to offer you options, it's now up to us to make our own decisions.  There was a time when you looked at both your salary and benefits package as a reason to take a position, but as time has moved forward we're being curtailed in gaining in both areas.  See? The problem is not the company, the problem is us giving them the control they no longer have shown they can handle.

Your job NO LONGER has the accountability, responsibility or acceptance enough to help you map out financial solutions to your everyday or retirement needs. Think about how they empowered financial companies that risked your 401k or other investment accounts.  Then we found out during the great financial crisis of 2007-2008 that many of our investment portfolios had been compromised and depleted by 40%-60%! Now, can any of us afford to let that happen again if in fact we're all getting older & the workforce is shrinking to a point where many of us reading this will not even have Social Security as a fall back to support us during retirement?

With the stroke of a pen the President of the United States of America Donald J Trump has changed and is changing life as we know it. Whether you like his politics or not UNDERSTAND that we all have to pay attention to what is happening and how his decisions could be the fatal financial decisions to affect more than 70% of the country for decades to come.  This is just a small step of things to come.  WE'RE GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE THE DECISIONS we once thought were only to be made in voting booths or with those who could direct our financial lives for a few generations.

Ok, so now that we've received a wake up call in this post. IT'S TIME TO TAKE SOME ACTION! This is not a time to be afraid to look at your financial life in the face and meet it with open arms because you know you're going to WIN!  With that being said here is my personal phone number to get us started in the RIGHT DIRECTION: 201-503-5339'