Sunday, May 24, 2020

We're All Essential

It wasn't until we knew they were essential until we had to sit up and take notice.  As we brave through a worldwide pandemic that has taken the lives of thousands and growing it's time we get real and start talking about the state of the world at this time.

It was less than 90 days ago when those in the service sectors of our world were just seen as people who had jobs that were needed, plentiful and would be there because people relied on them.  We never knew that whole industries would be shut down for a period of time while others were losing people because they simply didn't have the answers that would keep people alive.

At the time of this writing we're still in the thick of things. The only thing that has changed is how much the mainstream media is allowed to tell us.  By far, we never thought that life would come to a near halt and that cities such as Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Berlin and others would see so few people in them going to work; eating out and going about life.  Now we know...just like that a deadly virus would be unleashed on the world and we'd be relegated to curfews, mandatory face masks, temperature taking and just plain staying indoors to take matters in our own hands.  To know that the deadliest place you could go was/is a hospital and the places of worship would be off limits.

To date, we are learning who are the essential people who make life sustainable; who make the world go around and who in their own way KEEP THINGS RUNNING for those who often take it for granted.  The Restaurant Worker, The Nurse, The Doctor, The Security Guard, those in the Fire and Police Departments are all the people who we overlooked, but now see how vital they are to our communities.

I am proud to say that yes! The teachers and parents are having to figure it out so that the children are still taught and the Pastors, Imams and Ministers have had to find creative ways to connect with their congregations.  All in all we've had a total shift in our thinking and our way of life.  One where a hug could be deadly and to breathe the same air as others could have you gasping to clear your lungs.  What an awful time we're living in and as it looks we'll be living in it for a long time.

So where does that leave us now?  I'll tell leaves us having to think of more ways to sustain life as we know it while also keeping ourselves safely tucked away in our homes.  It leaves us also wondering as a food shortage is looming and natural disasters are hitting that the global impact is still on it's way.  Though painful to see and to know what's coming it's in our best interest to stay as connected as possible and to also take heed to the warnings.


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