Tuesday, July 5, 2011

In The Immortal Words of GRANDMA...

In the immortal words of my grandmother, Mrs. Eleanor Alston, who taught me almost everything I know today about business, "YOU CHANGE JOBS TOO OFTEN, YOU NEED TO GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF!" These were her words to me when I was a mere 32 year old business vagabond in search of a way out of what was about my 10th job since graduating from college in 1991.

I treasured what she said at the time, but certainly not the manner in which she said it and it left an impression on my mind as to what I needed to do with my life.  You see, there are people in your life who will "go along' with you just to make you happy and there are those who will tell you where to go, what time to go and more often than not to do it quickly!  I thank her dearly for that advice and I share it with you.....THE READER.  MY INSIDER LEADER....

This blog was set up for all of us who know we "NEED" to go into business for ourselves, but for one reason or another we've abandoned the proposition through one negative thought or conversation after the other and are hoping that our jobs won't desert us when we need them the most.

This is for all of you who need or want that "EXTRA PUSH" to "do something for yourself or suffer the consequences" of not doing so long after the lights have gone out at your job and the company has moved somewhere else.  Let's face it, each of us are definitely capable of running a business because we run our lives, our families, our departments or maybe some other entity.  However, when it comes to saying that we should be in business for ourselves, then we run away from the idea too often or we figure a way to just deal with the bitterness of being underpaid, overworked, unappreciated and most of all OVERLOOKED!

When you were asked the all too important question as a child, "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?" Did you answer, "I want to be working for people that hate me, making money I can't even see at the end of the week, spend time at a place that disgusts me, and oh yeah....have a boss who's laughing all the way to the bank because I know more than him/her, but I like being PAID PEANUTS!" Okay, well maybe that was a little extreme for a 5 year old to answer, but guess what!? At least the 5 year old you had an answer that made them happy to give to the person who asked.

All in all it's time to get INSPIRED America! And our friends around the world.  This global economic crisis will either make or break us and it's time to draw the line in the sand.....


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